Snow. Oh Yeah. We got some of that. So much that our ski hill hasn't even opened in the last three days. What kind of place closes the ski hill when there's so much snow? Arizona. That kind. This is the shady side of our house that gets piled up when Dan plows with his tractor, but in open spaces with no tree cover like the neighbor's horse corral there is five feet standing on the ground. Holy Crap. And that's after the week of snow was interrupted with rain Thursday night to make some slush snowcone mess.
Of course all of town being in a state of emergency and me living out here in the sticks, there has been some quality shop time. The truss fork is coming along but in the thought time that interrupts the builds I got started (and finished) on the fork for Jessica's triathlon touring bike. I'll get more into the details of this one when I start the frame...maybe next week, but since she's out of the country for the next month, I might use this time to build myself a new commuter since I haven't built anything for me on the jig yet.
...and the random artistic photo from the shop today....created by the ol' Park CRC-1...
Hopefully the mountain will be open tomorrow and I can get some board time in and town as well for that matter cause I'm out of kerosene and no kerosene means no heat. Adios.